163 thoughts on “Taeyang gets a twitter & teases us from the set of “I’ll Be There””

    1. haha, ikr? i had a window opened on that page since the first picture was the only one there. i was like, “200 followers? maybe its not him…” & then i refreshed it, it was almost 3000. & its still getting bigger as i type! 😛

      1. Haha it’s 17000 now:EPIC!
        following him too; feels like my dreams have come true; didn’t think he was going to get twitter. Well at least we thought he would be the last member to get one. I’m just glad that he is able to interact with his international fans ^^
        And yes people, please don’t spam mentions to him, don’t want to scare him off.

        1. Plus the pics are too hot !!!!!
          I’m going for a thriller inspired theme. God, taeyang you seriously are awesome & rock 😀

  1. this mv is going to be EPIC. thats the only word that can describe it. if i had a twitter, id be following him in a heartbeat.

  2. ok now i have a reason to join twitter!! so i’m supposing he’ll be tweeting in english?? man this looks so epic, seriously!!

    *goes off and makes an account*

  3. I told myself that I would never make a twitter account and now what happen? Once I saw this on soompi, I made it right away. Taeyang shi, what have you done to me?…On the other hand, our Bae looks mighty fine and I can’t wait for the MV ^__^

  4. omg!!!i can’t wait.hope they make mind blowin MV this time.
    i don’t like twitter,but i will make an account just to follow him.^^

    1. exactly my thought…

      Can’t believe he’s finally made one! world domination? lol
      the feeling that us international fans are being recognize brings such a sweet feeling to me…

  5. Don’t creep him out???

    Damn I think I’m too late on that one. I spazzed like a crazy fangirl telling him I love him a million times. I will try to calm down but I’m on a high right now!!!


  6. Nooo way!!! This is exciting that he can actually interact with his fans. =D
    And the MW does remind me of Prayer..

    this is sooo exciting! and he’s speaking in english too! cool!!!!
    i wonder if this is really him, and not his manager or anything..i hope he’ll reply to our tweets! hehe
    i’m new to twitter btw, just made my account to follow him! LOL

  8. BTW!

    he’s following one person, named “no2mo”
    and that person has a picture of his dog and GD’s dog!!!
    OMO! maybe i’m just so excited for him that he created a twitter account, but THAT PERSON MIGHT BE GD?!!!!

    ….i’m keeping my hopes up too much….but i have a really good feeling it’s someone famous, why would he be following that person?…hmmm..i hope it’s GD!!! i’m so tempted to follow him too…lol

    1. yeah, we’re not sure, its likely that its GD, but if its not, poor guy, hes probably got so many followers now too … lmao

  9. finally he has a twitter : )

    WOW Taeyang new mv is so WOW

    dunnon why but it really spooky… ( i hope there’s no evil things in that NEW MV )

    1. i dont think he was the one to decided about the mv look because the guy who did this mv also did gdragons “butterfly”and “she gone” and
      by the pictures its really similar to his work on gdragon’s she’s gone and butterfly

      1. haha that MV director must like dark thriller stuff. I’m thinking world domination…INAG maybe was too boring a track for kpop for it to be succesful. But ‘I’ll be there’ is gonna be crazy and i havent even heard it yet. Commonnn YB you can do it!

  10. this is crazyyy, just made a twitter to follow him haha waited for the right time/person who would actually make me make one loll-wonder if its really him or like yg pr people..

  11. i’m getting the feeling from these promo pics that it’s a song about even though he’s ‘not around’ (dead or whatever) he’ll always ‘be there’ watching over her … it’s got that whole ‘dead’ vibe (cemetery) *cough*

    1. I’ll be there sounds like such a caring hearwarming track title, like take it slow. Then we get these pics and info that its a fast up beat rnb hip hop song. Hahah i guess we’ll have to wait and see. Either way its gonna be awsome though, cos Tsquared is always awsome =]

    1. if he was a vampire they’d better stack him with some better fangs, those are the ugliest fangs ever … LOL !

  12. This shit is gonna be so epic. I can’t wait to see it. It does seem Thriller-like. Makes it even better probably.

  13. Omg, i seriously screamed when i read this!

    Lol, its so ironic though because we had a long discussion about ‘what if he had a twitter’ through the ATY chat box and loook what happens.. the boy finally has a twitter! Lol, yay! Hopefully nothing bad happens like what we discussed through the chat box!

  14. is it okay that i just went @Realtaeyang……and told him world domination????

    is that counted as creeping him out??? i hope not

    1. No… but if you went ultimate fangirl & all that.. then yes thats probably going to be a little creepy… haha

  15. lol.. i feel like it’s an mv for the 300 movie. hehe..
    can’t wait for this to come out.
    i’m so excited to see the choreo.

    i’m now following him. more than 6,600 followers and growing.

    1. this was my first impression! 300! with all the abs.. hahaha.. but people are like comparing it to Twilight, and some here with Thriller. glad to see im not the only one 😀

  16. I don’t know how the whole twitter thing works out, but if people can write to him, then I really do hope he’s getting some comments about his music and not just a bazillion “I love you/You’re hot” like it often happens on Youtube. ^^;

    Anyways, these pics make me think of all those dark songs he was talking about during that interview for GQ and I just can’t help but feel curious as to what it will sound like. I need at least a 15 seconds music teaser. >.<

    1. once the spazzing is over I think it will be more of that but right now he is first confirmed bigbang member with a twitter so its pandemonium in the fandom lol.

    2. hahaha… I hope so too! People are going crazy right now because his account is legit. He joined Twitter unexpectedly and he gave us some hot stuff pictures.

      The pictures are very promising. I hope we’ll have both storyline MV and dance MV. That would be so awesome 🙂

  17. OMFG! yeah prayer v.2! whatever! but this mv is definitely more my style!!! wooots!!! YG sure is treating us international fans well, like finally!!! maybe he made this compromise with bae for him to use INAG as his title track to engage the korean audience before releasing an international track!!! wheee

  18. Interesting! He is going for this look for the MV. I can’t help but laugh at the back up dancers ahahaha. He shoulda used 50 people for this choreography!!!!!!

    1. I just know what the concept and dance is ahahahaha
      I just know its a dark concept so I wasn’t so surprise about this look. I just want to see if director implemented a story line to it or would it take the Prayer route. THEY SHOULD HAVE A STORY LINE FOR THIS CONCEPT!

        1. NVM…changed my mind. I want a straight up dance video to show off his best skills…..awesome singing and epic choreo. YG, please make this happen in the best possible way!!! We don’t want to have to see YB reshoot the mv like last time!!

        2. knowing YG, we will definitely get both epicness mv and epicness dance version!!! it better be cuz the last few, as we know the dude like simple…COME ON!!! I NEED JIZZWORTHY OVER HERE!!!

      1. I actually expected it to have a darker look haha. I guess we won’t know for sure until we see it. I hope it’s not something simple like Prayer since judging from the photos alone it looks it like. But I’m hoping YG did the right thing and made it epic.

        1. Well the MV director sorta did story lines for both of the MVs he did for GD. Mannn i cant wait. They should just implement it all into one, epic story line and crazy ass shaun evaristo choregraphy.

      2. OOoo wonder what the director’s and or YG’s vision is for the MV sense he did say it’s one of his favorites and said he wanted a unique MV to mesh well with the unique choreo it will be quite interesting.

  19. Hey guys Im a new fan, totally love Taeyang/Big Bang and loving this site, amazing and thank you.
    To rheii, Ive just seen on Soompi that “no2mo” is GD lol so yes to both of them getting Twitter, hopefully it will make them see how much love they have from international fans.

  20. OMFG!!!!

    Would it be delusional to get a twitter? I was so not getting one….XD

    Now that our YB’s got one.. and GD too as @K said… wow~~~

    This is epic awesome!!!!!!!!

  21. Wow…..man am I finally going to have to get a Twitter account just to follow him?

    Those pics are seriously hardcore. Can’t wait for the mv! Looks like it’s going to be epic!!!

    1. And goodness….I went onto his Twitter and he had 10,900 followers….refreshed and it jumped to 11,1158…craziness!!!!

      1. Hahah yeah! I know right??

        I also just got a twitter account simply because I want to follow him 😛

        (And ATY of course, can never forget that! XD)

  22. Damnit! I step away from my computer for 1 day and I miss all this epicness!!! guess I’m not sleeping tonight -_-“Follow him, but don’t creep him out people! @REALTAEYANG”—> lol words of wisdom

  23. So most of you are wondering what the plot of the MV is. Here it is.

    Taeyang’s girlfriend was kidnapped by her evil ex boyfriend who sends her back into prehistoric times. Now Taeyang has to go back in time with help from his friends to beat up dinosaurs ( through the power of dance ) and save his girlfriend before the meteor hits the Earth.

    Epic I know.

    1. serious?? that’s the plot for ‘I’ll Be There’?? erm.. sounds weird but i ned to see the MV before i can pass my comments.. i need visual!! haha.. 😀

    2. ROFL i was about to say, swear your not allowed to give out this type of information Richard.
      Haha dinosaurs, Aimee tweeted something about dinosaurs as well about the pic, i thought it was real at first. =o

    3. lmfao. when the knetizens reads this, they might actually believe it.

      Imagine if this goes around portal sites. hahaha. now that would be epic.

      Taeyang & Dinosaurs!

    4. Wooohooo! I wanna see dinosaurs! Finally they made it through the MV!

      Dinosaurs are Epic! I love the plot too!


  24. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! that’s the only thing I’ve been saying for 5 straight minutes. I don’t use twitter, I just use to to follow Shaun, Kanauru, Lyle, Aimee, ML and now i’ll be using it for Taeyang whoo!!! I’m excited for the video release…it looks good. The make-up reminds me of “Thriller” but the storyline is different.

  25. the mv looks awesome (i see the resemblance to prayer) but going with the michael jackson theme maybe its kinda like a thriller mv? wow…twitter 😀 *signs up*

  26. OMG, I’m so excited about the MV seeing those pics and the last one, gosh!! YB looks so bada$$!!
    To me it doesn’t remind me of “Thriller” since Thriller had a “horror” atmosphere and YB’s concept is more “apocalyptic”.
    Anyway I can’t wait…and I hope YB’s gonna tweet in English a lot for us international fans cause Google translation is a fail for sure.

  27. Hmm ok so Taeyang just unfollowed ”GD” Im guessing that account could be a fake maybe. Also if Taeyang was confirmed wouldnt GD’s one be too.

  28. LOL @ the plot line. But forreal can’t wait for the choreo, I’m gonna learn it as soon as it’s out. lol

    I might make a twitter now that he has a twitter. God i’m such a creeper. haha

  29. OMG!!! I think I just died!!! He sure knows how to wear leather, he looks so hot!
    It looks like they went for a darker concept this time as oposed to the concept they used for “I need a girl”… I’m curious about this mv, from the pics it looks like it’s going to be very different from the things he has done previously, can’t wait!!
    Hmm, I wonder if I should get a twitter acount haha…

  30. he unfollowed @No2mo! why? who is @No2mo? is it really GD’s account?

    @No2mo 1st tweet : “Be happy always!!^^”
    11:58 PM Aug 3rd via web
    @Realtaeyang 1st tweet : “God bless you!”
    11:14 PM Aug 3rd via web
    look at the time and date!

    YB’s follower keep increasing, now he got around 14500 followers! YAY!

  31. my prayers have been answered one by one! so happy he made a twitter accnt…i’ll be tweeting him like crazy..lol! jk..of course i don’t want to freak him out! haha..xD
    i’m really excited for his international album…^^
    Taeyang hwaiting! 😉

  32. I’ll be on my best behavior. Promise. That said, I take no responsibility for any drunken tweets I may send him.

  33. Best news ever !
    The numbers just keep on increasing 22,000 & more now & other kpop sites at the moment still haven’t even posted this news up haha XD

  34. Twitter is the Bomb! lol I’ve been using twitter for over a yr now. Ive made friends and have celebs follow me. Its such a great way to keep in contact with the fans.

    I hope he interacts with his International fans like all other celebs do on twitter.

    And from experience there are alot of crazies out in twitterland. Please dont scare YB we want to show him how much we appreciate him and his music.

  35. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I cant even write properly……what the fuckkkkk

  36. wow. taeyang and gd have twitters now..
    hope they tweet more..
    but no2mo(gd) still not sure.. but qui and richard are following him..

    i’ll be there pic is hot..
    looks like there’s gonna be zombies .. lol

    1. exactly my thoughts. i keep saying its like “prayer” meets “thriller”. but no matter what the theme is, i bet it be epiC!!!

  37. OMFG i gonna making a effing twitter account cuz TAEYANGG GOT ONE
    even though i dont know how u use it xD
    omggg freaking out here i can actually communicate with him maybe omgg

  38. Taeyang seems to be having all kinds of concept for his promotional songs.. Like WUA was gangsta/hip hop, WD was much softer… ballad/r&b/sad theme, then INAG is happy/up-tempo and now.. well we have per-historic times.

    1. yeah. There’s so many different things going on, so many different concepts. Even with his music he seems to be in that exploration phase as an artist which makes me very inspired to see where he will go.

  39. Just a question.

    What do you mean by “not creeping him out?” If I say too many things repetitively like “Can’t wait to hear your music!” or “God bless you!” or “I think you’re so hot!” or “I love you!” are those creepy???


    I’ve been spazzing out since I saw his account yesterday…can’t believe he made one! I hope the other Big Bang members make one too. =) Get on the Twitter Wagon kpop!

    1. More like don’t send him weird creepy messages….don’t fangirl. So comments like “I really like your music” or “Can’t wait for the album” are perfectly fine.

      Some people used to think ATY was really Taeyang…so we get weird/scary/fangirly comments that creeped us out. We really don’t want Taeyang to get those. rofl

      1. seriously? Now I’m curious. Can’t be worse than the girl who sent him and GD a letter written in her blood. Now that probably scared him for life.

        1. is that for real ?? where did you hear that ?

          oh God .. that’s so scary !!! the poor boys 😦

        2. @Jazzmen- you haven’t heard? it was basically two Japanese girls who cut their wrists etc and wrote letters using the blood as ink, declaring GD and YB as their soul-mates blah blah….creepy and mad. oh no I think their still on twitter…O_O

      2. For real?! Wow, you should compile those lines and sort of make some kind of a “lines-to-avoid-so-you-don’t-creep-YB-out”…. hahahaha

      3. Thanks tofu! I know what you mean when others think you’re actually Taeyang… I used to see those comments too in ATY. Really kinda creepy.

        But I totally agree with sujini. Let’s make something like a list of “lines-that-will-totally-creep-YB-out”. hehehe. But in a discreet manner, because who knows, Baebae or YG is checking out ATY once in a while. =)


    man i feel like sending creepy messages.. but I SHALL REFRAIN

    bawww this is so cute. i’ve never been so excited. i’ll fangirl here so he doesn’t have to deal with it… =_=; man i’m like on and off the computer these days


  41. new news people I just saw on article that singer rottyful sky is a close friend with our young bae.
    she was in same elementary as taeyang and went on the same middle school with gdragon. she said that taeyang is a close friend. if you want to see it it’s on ibigbang.wordpress.com

    1. Thanks!
      I’m planning to make weekly twitter updates…dont’ really want to make a post for every tweet. But feel free to post them here!

  42. I don’t know if there are any muslim here, If yes I just want to say Ramadan Mubarak !!! it’s going to be tuff for them for 30 days

  43. Hey seriously! Is anyone from Miami?? I need to start saving up in case Taeyang comes to the USA and makes a concert! It will be cool if like a group of girls/guys get together and fly to the concert.

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